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Record : 1
Album Title: A la luna Format: 78-10
Music Publish Number: 64847 Genre:  
Recording Label: Victrola Recording Place: Camden, New Jersey
Artist(s): Gogorza, Emilio de    Recording Year: [1918]
Notes: One recorded side. Reg U.S pat. off. M de F.M ind. Rgtrda. Nos 4180. 1 de febrero 1904 y 5803, 11 de Octobre, 1905. Reg U.S pat. off. M de F.M ind. Rgtrda No 6035, 17 de Enero 1906. Baritone with Orchestra in Spanish. (To the moon) Location: 
Other Side in Album:
Songs in Album: 1
TrackTitleMusic ComposerPerformer(s)
  1  A la luna  Acosta, Fernando    Zapata, Angel