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Record : 1
Album Title: Quiet Music Format: 78-10
Music Publish Number: SP 710 Genre:  
Recording Label: Armed Forces Radio Service Recording Place: 
Artist(s): The Dell trio   Columbia Salon Orchestra Recording Year: 
Notes: Armed Forces Information and Education Division Department of Defense. Property of U.S Government. The voice of information and Education. Station Library. Outside ring Appears. SP-710=SP-709 Disco de 16'(inch). Location: 
Other Side in Album:
Songs in Album: 7
TrackTitleMusic ComposerPerformer(s)
  1  Alt Wien  McMorrow, Lionel   
  2  Toselli's serenade  Columbia Salon Orchestra   
  3  Charmaine  Don Baker   
  4  Neopolitan nights  Columbia Salon Orchestra   
  5  Southern Roses  Columbia Salon Orchestra   
  6  Diane 
  7  Sarba Calului  Columbia Salon Orchestra