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Record : 1
Album Title: In love's time Format: LP-12
Music Publish Number: GRP 5511  
Recording Label: Arista Recording Place: USA
Artist(s): Valentin, Dave    Recording Year: 1982
Notes:  Location: CU-17-1
Songs in Album: 8
TrackTitleMusic ComposerPerformer(s)
  1  Street beat  Zager, Michael   
  2  In love's time  Gold, Ken   
  3  I don't wanna fall in love  Lucas, Stan   
  4  I got it right this time  Ippolito, Adam   
  5  Clove and cinnamon  Nascimiento, Milton   
  6  Dansette  Valentin, Dave   
  7  The flight  Viñas, Mike   
  8  Leo and the sun  Valentin, Dave