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Record : 1
Album Title: Can't get enough Format: LP-12
Music Publish Number: 5727-1-R-A  
Recording Label: RCA Recording Place: 
Artist(s): Menudo    Recording Year: 
Notes: CBdac Location: PR-13-2
Songs in Album: 9
TrackTitleMusic ComposerPerformer(s)
  1  Summer in the streets  Palermo, J    Palermo, E   
  2  We have a song  Palermo, E    Palermo, J   
  3  Tell me how you feel  Rice, H    Kimble, A.R   
  4  No one can love you more  Pagan, M.L.M   
  5  Old enough to love  Rice, H    Kimble, A.R.   
  6  Jumpin' over  Pagan, M.L.M   
  7  I can't spend another day (without you)  Pagan, M.L.M    Villa, C    Monroy, A   
  8  Stay with me  Pagan, M.L.M    Villa, C   
  9  Marie ( i need you)  Pagan, M.L.M    Monroy, A