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Search : an = "Bolet, Jorge"
Record : 1
Name of Artist:  Bolet, Jorge 
List of Albums:
    A Chopin piano recital - Everest SDBR 3079
    Chopin-Godowsky - L'Oiseau Lyre DSLO 26
    Encores - London 417 361-1
    Franck, Wolf - CBS 36701
    Franz Liszt - L'Oiseau Lyre DSLO 41
    Franz Liszt's greatest hits of the 1850's - RCA LSC-3259
    Giovani Sgambati - Genesis GS 1020
    Great Rachmaniff Transcriptions - RCA ARLI-0357
    Jorge Bolet playing the music of Franz Liszt - Everest SDBR-3062
    Liszt - London 410160
    Liszt - London 410161
    Liszt Paraphrases - PYE NEL 2013
    Prokofiev - Genesis GS 1021
    Rachmaninov - London 71109
    Romantic piano favorites - Opus 81
    Song without end - Colpix CP-506
    Tchaikovsky Trio - MHS 1643
    Virtuoso Liszt - London LDR 71096