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Search : an = "Rusell, Andy"
Record : 1
Name of Artist:  Rusell, Andy 
List of Albums:
    Adiós muchachos - Capitol 20033-B
    And there you are - Capitol 198-B
    Aunque tú no me quieras - Victor 23-6441-2
    Cielito lindo - Capitol 20033-A
    Contigo en la distancia - Victor 23-6441-1
    If I had a wishing ring - Capitol 234-B
    I'll see you in my dreams - Capitol 20036-A
    Imagination - Capitol 20034-B
    Just friends - Capitol 20036-B
    La borrachita - Capitol 20035-B
    Let's fall in love - Capitol 20034-A
    María Elena - Capitol 20035-A
    Negra Consentida - Capitol 189-B
    Te ví - Capitol 198-A
    Without you (Tres Palabras) - Capitol 234-A