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Search : an = "Symphony Orchestra"
Record : 1
Name of Artist:  Symphony Orchestra 
List of Albums:
    Concerto for violin and orchesra--1st Mvt. Allegro molto appassionate - Masterpiece 12011-A
    Concerto for violin and orchesra--1st Mvt. Allegro molto appassionate - Masterpiece 12012-A
    Concerto for violin and orchesra--2nd Mvt. Andante - Masterpiece 12012-B
    Concerto for violin and orchestra--1st Mvt. Allegro molto appassionate - Masterpiece 12011-B
    Concierto para violín y orquesta Part 7 - Masterpiece 12014-A
    Dance of the Hours - Masterpiece 12018-A
    Dance of the Hours - Masterpiece 12018-B
    Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 - Masterpiece 12019-A
    Las bodas de Fígaro - Masterpiece 12014-B
    Nutcracker Suite - Masterpiece 12009-A
    Nutcracker Suite--Waltz of the flowers - Masterpiece 12010-A
    Nutcracker Suite--Waltz of the flowers - Masterpiece 12010-B
    Overture to the Merry Wives of Windsor Part.2. - Masterpiece 12016- B
    Overture to the Merry Wives of Windsor Part.2. - Masterpiece 12016-B
    Poeta y Aldeano Part 2 - Masterpiece 12017-B
    The "New World" Symphony - 1st Mvt: Adagio; Allegro Molto - Masterpiece 12020-A
    The New World Symphony - Masterpiece 12020-B