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Search : an = "Trenet, Charles"
Record : 1
Name of Artist:  Trenet, Charles 
List of Albums:
    Antonio Machín "Ese soy yo" - Alma Latina ALCD 025
    At the Jamaica Inn Restaurant - Hannah LP 501
    Ciao Italia - Areito LD 5006
    Cugat in France, &. - Victor LPM 2173
    Dining in San Juan - Kubaney MT 178
    Fantastic Feliciano - LSP 3581
    Intimo y sentimental - Tico LP 1123
    Los internacionales - Musart DM 1408
    Sentimental piano - Bluebell BLP 301
    Simplemente una rosa - Teca LIS 595
    The new - London SP-44053
    Violines de Monseigneur - Panart LP 2056