Florida International University Library
Cuba Canta y Baila
Encyclopedic Discography of Cuban Music
Volume 1
Cristobal Diaz-Ayala 
C H A P T E R S  T O   D O W N L O A D
Available in PDFPDF Format

  Abreviaturas Generales 
  Abreviaturas artistas y compositoresPDF File Size
I. Introducción57 KB
II. Etapa de cilindros y discos de 781364 KB
III. Música Guajira688 KB
IV. El danzón2583 KB
V. Teatro musical Cubano8284 KB
VI. Los trovadores1342 KB
VII. Los cantantes líricos1943 KB
VIII. El son382 KB
IX. Varios2042 KB
©2002 Dr. Cristobal Diaz-Ayala; Florida International University. The content of this site is copyrighted. Permission is given to download and/or to print the text for both personal and educational use as long as the source and the author are indicated. No permission is given for commercial use.
Translation by Alan West.
For further information on the discography, please contact Fundacion Musicalia or Ms. Mayra Nemeth (305-348-3009).
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